Drawing of Tree Covered Pathway

When you draw a creature, an animal or a fantastic being, the background is not that important. However, the creature still needs something to put their feet on—some kind of ground. It's not the most important element of the picture, of course, but if you gloss over it, it may make the whole illustration look incomplete. And if you pay more attention to it, your picture will certainly benefit from it!

There are many types of ground you can use for your drawing. In this tutorial we'll take a close look at simple dirt, a grass field, a dry land (a semi-arid desert), and rocky ground.

What You Will Need

  • Some sheets of paper
  • Hard pencil (HB)
  • Medium soft pencil (2B)
  • Soft pencil (5B or lower)
  • Pencil sharpener
  • Eraser (optional)

You can read more about these tools in the introduction to How to Draw Trees.

1. Draw Dirt Ground

Your drawings don't always need complicated ground. Sometimes you just want to be done with it as soon as possible without actually neglecting this part of the illustration. Some simple dirt can be great for this purpose.

You can find some inspiration using photos like these:

  • Dirt Road
  • Dirt Path
  • Forest Dirt Road

Step 1

No matter whether you start with the ground or add it at the end, your picture needs some kind of perspective. Show it with subtle lines—it doesn't really need to be a perfectly correct perspective; we'll just use these lines to define the area we need to cover. Use a hard pencil for this.

how to start drawing with perspective how to start drawing with perspective how to start drawing with perspective

Step 2

Dirt ground is very plain and boring, so we need to add a few details to make it more interesting. Rocks, weeds, or old bones will work very well.

how to add details to dirt ground how to add details to dirt ground how to add details to dirt ground

Step 3

Draw a few irregular patches—we'll use them to make the coloration less uniform.

how to make dirt less uniform how to make dirt less uniform how to make dirt less uniform

Step 4

Fill the area between the patches with tight lines. Don't press too hard! Draw small "pebbles" on the border to make it more irregular.

how to shade ground how to shade ground how to shade ground

Step 5

Fill the patches with lines as well, but this time don't be so careful—the more white you leave between the strokes, the brighter the area will look.

how to draw dirt how to draw dirt how to draw dirt

Step 6

Take a softer pencil and draw short, thick, horizontal lines all over the ground. This will make it look less flat. The higher you go (the farther according to the perspective), the shorter these lines should be.

how to make dirt ground less flat how to make dirt ground less flat how to make dirt ground less flat

Step 7

Let's shade the additional elements to establish the contrast of the whole picture. First use a hard pencil...

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... then the softer one...

how to shade single stone soft pencil how to shade single stone soft pencil how to shade single stone soft pencil

... and the softest one for details.

how to shade single stone softest pencil how to shade single stone softest pencil how to shade single stone softest pencil

Step 8

Take a soft pencil and draw tiny pebbles all over the area. The closer to the horizon, the smaller and less dense they should be.

how to draw tiny pebbles how to draw tiny pebbles how to draw tiny pebbles

Step 9

Take the softest pencil and draw a few very dark ovals in the front only. They will look like shadows of bigger pebbles.

how to draw shadows of pebbles how to draw shadows of pebbles how to draw shadows of pebbles

Step 10

You can see the whole composition now, so if you think it lacks something, add it now.

how to draw tiny bushes how to draw tiny bushes how to draw tiny bushes

Step 11

Optionally, you can add a few smaller rocks here and there by erasing small oval areas...

how to add rocks by erasing how to add rocks by erasing how to add rocks by erasing

... and shading them.

how to shade small rocks how to shade small rocks how to shade small rocks

2. Draw a Grass Field

A grass field is perfect if you want to hide the feet of your creature. It's not always because you can't draw them—sometimes they're simply more detailed than the rest of the sketch, so they break the composition this way. A grass field may seem to be very time-consuming to draw, but I'll show you quite a quick method. You don't really need to draw every blade!

Need some inspiration? Try these photos:

  • Grass From Distance
  • Grass, Front
  • Grass, Top View

Step 1

Again, start by defining the perspective in a sketchy way.

how to sue perspective how to sue perspective how to sue perspective

Step 2

Define the area covered by grass. It will look best if it's irregular in shape.

how to start drawing grass how to start drawing grass how to start drawing grass

Step 3

Make it 3D by drawing a copy of the outline below and connecting them with vertical lines.

how to draw grass field how to draw grass field how to draw grass field

Step 4

Grass can have various lengths (is it a lawn or a meadow?), so to make it clear, add some scale-defining details.

how to define scale in drawing how to define scale in drawing how to define scale in drawing

Step 5

Again, shade the details to establish final contrast.

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how to draw little bird how to draw little bird how to draw little bird

Step 6

Shade the side of the grass field with a hard pencil.

how to make grass look 3d how to make grass look 3d how to make grass look 3d

Step 7

Make the border less regular by drawing some blades around.

how to shade side of grass field how to shade side of grass field how to shade side of grass field

Step 8

Take a softer pencil and shade the side by drawing "shadows between the blades". To put it more simply, just draw a lot of thick, chaotic lines crossing each other, leaving some space for the previous layer of shading.

how to shade side of grass field darker how to shade side of grass field darker how to shade side of grass field darker

Step 9

Go back to a soft pencil and shade the top of the field slightly. Make the other edge less regular by adding tops of blades.

how to make grass field more irregular how to make grass field more irregular how to make grass field more irregular

Step 10

Take the softest pencil and add some details to the darkened part of the side.

how ro draw grass field with pencils how ro draw grass field with pencils how ro draw grass field with pencils

Step 11

Take a soft pencil and draw the tops of the blades all over the top of the field. Draw short lines in various directions to create this effect.

how to make grass more detailed how to make grass more detailed how to make grass more detailed

Step 12

Shade the top slightly by drawing groups of longer lines here and there.

how to shade grass field as a whole how to shade grass field as a whole how to shade grass field as a whole

Step 13

Take the softest pencil and press harder on the side to create some really dark shades. You can also accentuate random blades on the top.

how to shade grass with soft pencils how to shade grass with soft pencils how to shade grass with soft pencils

Step 14

When you're done, you can add a few eye-catching details to make the composition more interesting.

how to draw grass quickly how to draw grass quickly how to draw grass quickly

3. Draw Dry Land (Semi-Arid Desert)

Let's be honest—plain dirt ground is boring, and a grass field is not much better. What if we want to make the ground a very important part of the illustration? You can achieve it by drawing a small garden that desert plant formations naturally create. It doesn't even need to be a desert, just some area where the dry parts are intertwined with green parts. This type of ground takes more effort, but it's worth it!

Use these photos for inspiration:

  • Dirt Road
  • Mountain Dirt Road
  • Desert

Step 1

As always, start with sketchy perspective lines.

how to add perspective to drawing how to add perspective to drawing how to add perspective to drawing

Step 2

Add a few "clouds"—patches of tiny grass will grow from them.

how to start a drawing how to start a drawing how to start a drawing

Step 3

Add smaller clouds in between to increase the irregularity.

draw clouds draw clouds draw clouds

Step 4

Add a few bigger clouds—these will be small bushes.

draw bushes draw bushes draw bushes

Step 5

Add a few clusters of some grass-like plants.

draw plants draw plants draw plants

Step 6

Longer blades of some resistant little flowers will look good here as well.

draw flowers draw flowers draw flowers

Step 7

Finally, some rocks—they make every area more interesting!

draw rocks draw rocks draw rocks

Step 8

Use a hard pencil to establish the darker value of the plants and make it different from the sand and rocks.

how to define values in pencil drawing how to define values in pencil drawing how to define values in pencil drawing

Step 9

Shade the rocks using all the pencils to establish the final contrast.

how to shade rocks with hard pencil how to shade rocks with hard pencil how to shade rocks with hard pencil
how to shade rocks with soft pencil how to shade rocks with soft pencil how to shade rocks with soft pencil
how to shade rocks with softer pencil how to shade rocks with softer pencil how to shade rocks with softer pencil
how to shade rocks with softest pencil how to shade rocks with softest pencil how to shade rocks with softest pencil

Step 10

Now we need to work on every plant formation one by one—first, the small bushes. Use a soft pencil to fill them with little curls that will simulate tiny leaves.

how to shade bushes how to shade bushes how to shade bushes

Step 11

Press harder to shade them by making them more similar to clouds.

how to add details to bushes how to add details to bushes how to add details to bushes

Step 12

Draw the sturdy flowers by crossing one curvy line with short lines. They will look very interesting from a distance!

how to shade desert flowers how to shade desert flowers how to shade desert flowers

Step 13

Take the softest pencil and darken some parts of the bushes. Don't overuse this effect—always use this pencil for accents only.

how to shade with a very soft pencil how to shade with a very soft pencil how to shade with a very soft pencil

Step 14

Use a soft pencil to fill the grass areas with tiny lines and dots. Be very patient here—the texture you create must be uniform across the picture. Go around the blades that cross them.

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Step 15

Take the softest brush and darken the sides of the grass area, making it more 3D. Darken the top part as well.

how to make flat drawing less flat how to make flat drawing less flat how to make flat drawing less flat

Step 16

If the blades got lost in the process, use the softest pencil to accentuate the parts of them that have the grass as a background.

how to create edges in drawing how to create edges in drawing how to create edges in drawing

Step 17

Draw the little unidentified clusters in the background. Start with a soft pencil...

how to draw grass clusters with hard pencil how to draw grass clusters with hard pencil how to draw grass clusters with hard pencil

... push harder to give them a 3D shape...

how to draw grass clusters with soft pencil how to draw grass clusters with soft pencil how to draw grass clusters with soft pencil

... then take the softest pencil to accentuate the darkest parts.

how to draw grass clusters with softest pencil how to draw grass clusters with softest pencil how to draw grass clusters with softest pencil

Step 18

Let's finish the picture by making the sand in between more detailed. First use a hard pencil to add a subtle texture to it...

how to draw sand texture how to draw sand texture how to draw sand texture

... then take a softer brush to add a few pebbles here and there.

how to draw realistic semi dry desert ground how to draw realistic semi dry desert ground how to draw realistic semi dry desert ground

4. Draw Rocky Ground

Still too simple? You want something more serious for your mighty dragon to stand on? Say no more! Place rock debris under its feet—this background will make your vision complete. The biggest problem about rocks is that they're irregular by nature, so it's hard to use any rules to draw them, but I will show you a workaround.

Check these photos if you need inspiration:

  • Sharp Rocks
  • Round Rocks
  • Rock Debris

Step 1

Again, start with simple perspective lines.

perspective in drawing perspective in drawing perspective in drawing

Step 2

To achieve an irregular effect, we need to start with something irregular—like these shapes. Draw them with a hard pencil.

how to draw rocks simple way how to draw rocks simple way how to draw rocks simple way

Step 3

Draw lines connecting them with the ground. These lines don't need to be vertical!

how to draw 3d rocks how to draw 3d rocks how to draw 3d rocks

Step 4

You can use the same method to draw a big, complex rock...

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how to draw big rocks simple way how to draw big rocks simple way how to draw big rocks simple way

... and to make other rocks more complex:

how to draw rocks with pencils how to draw rocks with pencils how to draw rocks with pencils
how to draw stone with pencils how to draw stone with pencils how to draw stone with pencils

Step 5

Add smaller rocks in between using the same method.

how to draw rock rubble how to draw rock rubble how to draw rock rubble
how to draw rock debris how to draw rock debris how to draw rock debris

You can also add bunches of simple rocks without a definite shape.

how to draw rocks as a ground how to draw rocks as a ground how to draw rocks as a ground

Step 6

Darken the space between the rocks, going around their outlines carefully. Don't forget about creating a "ragged" edge for the ground.

how to shade dirt how to shade dirt how to shade dirt

Step 7

Use a softer pencil to darken the ground even more.

how to shade ground how to shade ground how to shade ground

Step 8

Let's shade the rocks now. First, use a hard pencil to darken the shadowed parts. Use irregular, "hatching" strokes for this to create a texture.

how to shade rocks with hard pencil how to shade rocks with hard pencil how to shade rocks with hard pencil

Step 9

Use the same pencil to add a texture to the illuminated tops. Just don't make them too dark in the process.

how to draw rock texture how to draw rock texture how to draw rock texture

Step 10

Take a softer brush and darken the shadowed parts. Again, use the hatching method. By leaving space between the strokes, you create sharp blending.

how to shade rocks with soft pencil how to shade rocks with soft pencil how to shade rocks with soft pencil

Step 11

Use the softest pencil to darken the ground even more.

how to make ground darker how to make ground darker how to make ground darker

Step 12

Use the same pencil to darken the crevices in the rocks and between them. Make sure your pencil is very sharp before you try this!

how to shade rocks with softest pencil how to shade rocks with softest pencil how to shade rocks with softest pencil

You Rock!

In this tutorial you have learned how to create various types of ground, and your characters will not float in the air anymore (unless you want them to)! If you want to try other tutorials where you can use the same set of tools, feel free to check out some of these:

  • How to Draw Trees
  • How to Draw a Rose
  • How to Draw Feathers


Source: https://design.tutsplus.com/tutorials/how-to-draw-ground-grass-and-rocks--cms-26827

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